How Long Does it Take to Sell a Business

Are you looking to sell your business? If so, it’s important to understand and be realistic about how long the process might take.

The amount of time it takes to sell a business can vary significantly, depending on a number of factors which we will go into below.

On average, it takes six to twelve months to sell a business. However, this can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of business, the asking price, and the state of the economy.

Why Does it Take So Long?

There are a number of reasons why it can take a while to sell a business. First, businesses are often sold through brokers or intermediaries, who need to find a buyer that is the right fit. Second, the due diligence process can be lengthy, as buyers will want to ensure that they are getting what they are paying for.

Third, the negotiation process can take some time, as both parties try to come to an agreement on price and terms. Finally, it can take a while to transfer the ownership of the business, as there are often a number of legal and financial considerations.

Main Factors Which Effect the time it takes to sell a business

There are six main factors which will affect how quickly you can sell your business.

  • Industry
  • Asking Price
  • State of the Economy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Reasons for Selling
  • Your Business Broker


The type of business you are selling will have a big impact on how long it takes to sell. For example, businesses that are in high demand, such as tech companies or businesses with unique products or services, will usually sell much faster than businesses in other industries.

Asking Price

The asking price is another important factor which will affect how quickly you can sell your business. If you’re looking to sell your business quickly, then it’s important to make sure that your asking price is in line with the current market value of similar businesses.

State of the Economy

The state of the economy can also affect how quickly you can sell your business. For example, businesses tend to sell more slowly during economic downturns.

Marketing Strategy

Finally, your marketing strategy will also play a role in how quickly you can sell your business. If you’re looking to sell your business quickly, then it’s important to make sure that you have a strong marketing campaign which targets the right buyers.

Reasons For Selling

The reason for selling your business can also affect the sale process. For example, if you’re selling your business because you’re retiring, then buyers may be more willing to pay a premium price for your business. However, if you’re selling your business due to financial difficulties, then buyers may be more hesitant to offer a fair price.

Your Business Broker

If you’re looking to sell your business quickly, then it’s important to choose a reputable and experienced business broker. A good business broker will be able to help you price your business correctly, market your business to the right buyers, and negotiate the best possible sale price. It’s possible they may also have buyers who are already interested in your type of business, which can help to speed up the process. For more information, check out what does a business broker do


How to Speed Up the Selling Process

If you’re looking to sell your business quickly, there are a number of things you can do. First, make sure that your business is in good financial shape and that you have all of the necessary documentation in order by checking our checklist for selling a business. Second, consider working with a business broker to help find a qualified buyer. Finally, be realistic about your asking price and be prepared to negotiate.